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Living the Right Path: Connecting With Your Sacred Contract

No two people meet by accident. Each person that crosses our path is here to show us something about ourselves and this journey of ours called life.  Each person that crosses our path – friend and foe alike, are here to awaken our divine nature and raise our consciousness level.  The problem is though, when we are out of tune we walk through life with blinders on and miss the coincidences and synchronicities that guide us to connect to our higher Self. The physical world is an unpredictable place and so much of life is out of our control.  Yet, in the quagmire we sometimes may find ourselves in, there is always the beauty of love to be cultivated through mindful presence. This kind of cultivation takes dedication, practice, patience, faith, and earnestness.

We must set a time each day to meditate/pray and/or practice yoga.  By committing ourselves to these mindful practices we become more wired into divine guidance in our life.  A more detailed discussion of this is in my blog piece called Raining Graces.  Check it out when you have time.

One of my favorite spiritual authors, Caroline Myss, wrote a bestselling book called Sacred Contracts – Awakening Your Divine Potential.  If you haven’t read it, then I urge to go purchase a copy for yourself.  In the book she discusses the essence of what she calls our “Sacred Contract – the guided plan of our life.”  She details as follows:

The experiences and relationships you are meant to have are with your parents, children,    close friends, and any people with whom you share a passion for something.  These    people – as well as your adversaries – are in your life because you made an agreement with them prior to this lifetime to support each other’s spiritual growth.  Indeed, every relationship and experience is an opportunity for you to grow and transform your life.  Some relationships may even offer multiple opportunities.  In every one you will have to choose how to exercise your own power.  (17)

Once we become balanced by committing ourselves to mindful practices such as yoga and meditation/prayer, we become tuned into the meaning of each relationship and experience around us.  We can start looking at life symbolically and detaching our emotions from people and places, and delve into the deeper meaning of what the person or experience can show us in our spiritual growth.  Dedicated mindful practices will get you there.

We are meant to live a life filled with joy and love, but it doesn’t mean we go unscathed by pain and suffering either.  Life is unpredictable in many respects; there are gains and losses filled with pure love on both sides. The key here is that we don’t give permission to the experience to become who we are, we ARE the experience and in our most basic purest form we can choose to live from a place of love.  You will know once you tap into living your right path and connecting to your sacred contract, because you will sense an incredible loving energy guiding you in every conversation, meeting, and experience.  Doors will open in ways that you never thought could or would happen. You may be shocked at the guidance you receive, but the divine force will pull you back again and again to the right path if you choose to walk away.  Breathe into your divine nature and tune into the cues, and then you will naturally walk the right path and connect to your sacred contract.  Through connection and balance, you will live a life of joy and happiness.

Om Shanti Om ~ Athea


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